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Research Help

What's New

Several of our databases are changing. For more information, see this guide.

Research Guides

Subject Guides

Use this menu to find the guide for your field of study.

Course Guides

Use this menu to see if we have a guide for your specific course.

All Research Guides

Use this link to view the comprehensive list of library guides, including information about library policies and services.

Getting Started

How do I log in to library resources online?

This page gives step-by-step instructions for logging in to library databases, catalog, and ILLiad (interlibrary loan platform), as well as tips for solving common problems. 

Does the library have any tools to help me brainstorm a topic?

The Mind Map tool from Credo Reference (see introductory video) or the Concept Map tool in Quick Search (see introductory video) can help you find concepts related to your original search term. You can use these to narrow your focus or find related terms to improve your search results.

How do I find an overview of a topic?

Look in Reference in our online resources (Credo Reference is a good starting point) for concise, academically credible articles that will help orient you to a topic or field of research. You can also ask a Research Librarian to show you print reference books related to your topic.

Journals and Periodicals

How do I find journal articles?

For best results, use our A-Z Database List and select your subject from the drop-down menu to find the best databases for your area of study. (PRO TIP: the Quick Search box only searches a subset of our databases, so it may not include the best sources for every subject area.)

To cross-search multiple databases at once, use Quick Search or ProQuest Central to search for articles and other kinds of documents. 

How do I find a specific periodical?

If you are looking for a specific periodical, such as The New Yorker or Christian Scholars Review, use Journal Titles search to find out what access (print and electronic) JBU provides for that publication. If we do not have full text access to the journal you need, you can request articles through Interlibrary Loan.

Books and eBooks

How do I find books at the JBU Library?

Use the JBU Catalog (the "Books" tab on the Library Search box) to find books in our collection and to find out where they are located in the library.

If you're looking for a particular title, Quick Search can show you if we have that book in either our print collection or the EBSCO ebook collection. Quick Search does not search the ProQuest ebook collection, so in order to be comprehensive in your search, you will need to look there separately. If JBU does not have the book you're looking for, you can scroll down to the bottom of the page in your Quick Search results to see the WorldCat results from other libraries. Click through for a link to request the book by mail through Interlibrary Loan.

How do I locate a book on the shelf?

First, look at the Location to see which library collection the book is in. The great majority of JBU Library books are in the Main Collection. If a different collection is listed (e.g., Reference, Reserve, Oliver Room, etc.), ask someone at the research help or circulation desk for directions on where to look for your book. For books in the main collection, call numbers beginning with A-B are on the first floor; call numbers C-Z are upstairs.

Books in the JBU Library are shelved according to the Library of Congress classification system. For an overview of how to find books following their Library of Congress call numbers, see this video (from University of Arkansas).

Books in the Romig Juvenile Collection and the Oliver Room for Healthy Relationship Resources follow slightly different classification systems. Look for signage in those rooms or ask for assistance if you need help locating a book.

How do I find ebooks?

The library provides ebooks on a number of different platforms, all of which can be accessed from the database list. The overwhelming majority of our ebooks are on the two major platforms, ProQuest Ebook Central and EBSCOhost Ebooks, which can be searched using the eBooks tab on the Library Search bar on the library website. (Note: unfortunately, only a fraction of the library's ebook holdings are accessible through Quick Search -- for more complete results, you'll need to search each collection separately.)

How do I access or download ebooks?

See this guide for details about your options for downloading and viewing ebooks from the JBU Library.

"Academic" or "Scholarly" Sources

How do I find scholarly sources or academic journal articles?

See this summary for an overview of the distinction between academic and popular works. Consult your instructor or ask a librarian if you need help evaluating a particular source.

A shortcut for articles: In most of our databases (e.g., Quick Search, ProQuest), look for the check box that limits your search to “Peer Reviewed” and/or “Scholarly Journals” to find publications that are generally recognized as scholarly sources.

For books and ebooks, the distinction between a popular publication and a scholarly publication can sometimes be a little fuzzy. Some of the library’s ebook collections (e.g., Springer ebooks) contain scholarly books only, but others (e.g. ProQuest Ebook Central) contain a mix of popular and scholarly publications. Some clues that a book is likely to be considered scholarly include: (1) it has an index and bibliography, (2) its author is identified by her or his academic credentials (e.g., Ph.D., affiliated with a university or research lab), (3) it is published by a university press. 

Academic Citation

Does the Library have resources to help with academic citation (MLA, APA, etc.)?

Yes. Copies of most of the major citation guides used by JBU programs are available for consultation at the Research Help desk, and there are online guides available on the Writing Center Eaglenet Page.