This search includes the ACA journals that are not available in full text from JBU; results from these journals will display an Interlibrary Loan link under "Access options." If you prefer to limit your search results to articles that are immediately available, select the "Online full text" filter.
For more details about the access available to specific ACA journals, see below.
JBU has access to the following journals published by the American Counseling Association and its divisions and affiliates. Not all divisions are represented on this list. Articles from journals not held by JBU may be requested by interlibrary loan.
Note: Because of a change in publishing arrangements, JBU has access to this journal from 1998-2013 and 2016-Present on different platforms. For most comprehensive results, search in APA PsycInfo.
The JBU Library is not able to provide full text access to the journal of every division of the ACA. To confirm whether JBU has access to any particular journal, you can search by the title of the publication in our Publication Finder. As of May 2023, the ACA division journals listed below are not available in full text from JBU. These links will take you to the publisher's websites for these journals. If you need the full text of a specific article from one of these publications, you will probably need to place an interlibrary loan request for the article that you need.
Although we do not have full text access to these specific journals, we do have extensive coverage of the practice areas represented in these journals from other peer reviewed scholarly publications. Use APA PsycInfo to explore articles that are available in our databases.
Almost all ACA journals are indexed in the APA PsycInfo database. To cross-search multiple ACA journals at once, use this link to open APA PsycInfo in a new browser window:
Copy and paste the following text into the first box of the search dialog. (You can delete any journal titles that you do not wish to search.)
SO ("Journal of Counseling and Development" OR "Career Development Quarterly" OR "Counseling and Values" OR "Counselor Education and Supervision" OR "Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling" OR "Journal of College Counseling" OR "Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness" OR "Journal of Employment Counseling" OR "Journal of Mental Health Counseling" OR "Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development" OR "Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation" OR "The Family Journal" OR "Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling" OR "Journal of Creativity in Mental Health" OR "Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling" OR "Journal for Specialists in Group Work" OR "Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development" OR "Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin") |
Then add your search terms to the second box of the search dialog and press "Search."
Note: This search includes the ACA journals that are not available in full text from JBU; results from these journals will display an Interlibrary Loan link under "Access options." If you prefer to limit your search results to articles that are immediately available, select the "Online full text" filter.