The ebooks in the approved textbooks box are all available with unlimited simultaneous users unless otherwise noted. To share them with your students, please request a custom course guide or right-click to copy/paste the links from this page. Do not copy/paste the URL that appears you internet browser's navigation bar. See these links for more information on library electronic resources:
This guide shows Gateway textbooks approved for all sections of the class. To find the specific books your instructor has selected and the dates of your reading assignments, consult your syllabus and/or your class Blackboard page.
These books are normally on Reserve in the fall and in the main circulating collection in spring unless otherwise requested.
Faculty: please let us know if you want these books (or any others) placed on Reserve; otherwise they will remain in the circulating collection.
These books are on Reserve in Fall 2023.
Thousands of popular and scholarly ebooks covering a wide range of subjects.
Thousands of ebook titles covering all major areas of study.
8,000+ ebooks, primarily in math, science, engineering and medicine.