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Logging in to JBU Resources

Logging in to the Library Catalog

The library catalog contains all physical items held by the JBU Library. Along with search function, the catalog also allows you to view items you have checked out, save lists, or renew items. You do not have to be logged in to perform searches.

Perform the following steps to log in to your library account::

  1. Go to the catalog in your preferred browser.
  2. Click on the Log in to your account in the upper right corner.
  3. Under the JBU Login heading, click on the click here link.
  4. At the JBU Log in page, enter your JBU username and password (your Eaglenet log in).
    Note: If you have already logged in to Eaglenet you will automatically be logged in.
  5. Click Sign In.
    You are returned to the library catalog.
  6. Click on your name to access your account details and options.